Dear Alumni,
As your newly elected President it gives me great pleasure to report that our last reunion weekend, honoring the 175th Anniversary of Kemper Military School, posted record numbers on all fronts.
This “Old Boy” weekend will go down as one of the most successful reunions to date and is only possible with the continued support of an active alumni base.
The goals moving forward and as stated on our Bi-Laws are as follows:
We are also working hard to define each level of gifting for the 1844 Society. As a result of the excitement the Society generated at the 175th Anniversary Reunion, we have set up payment options for anyone who would like to go ahead and donate. Once we have defined our levels of gifting, your donation will automatically count directly to the closest level. Your donations can be made through our website at the following address:
You have my promise to work hard each and every day to bring more value to the association and keep the Kemper Military School name top of mind! Please follow the association on our @kempermilitaryschool Facebook page as well as our official website,
Go Team!
James Hallam