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Current 1844 Society Members

1844 Society - Infinite

Burrel Baker

Jeremy Bartel

William Black

Bryan Brooks

Ken Burrows

Tom  Caldwell

Timothy Casey

William Cavinder

Douglas  Caviness

Richard Cooper

Charles Doyle

Jason Falbo

Tom  Gould

Ray Haque

Chris Harmon

Cristina Hoff

Natividad D. Holliday

Thomas Johnson

Johnny Kartsonis

James Kipper

William R. Knight

Brian Paine

Bhisham Perti

Joyce del Rosario

Jim Rutledge

JB  Schonwald    

Shane Scott

Shannon Shackelford

Elliott Sumlin

Chad  White

1844 Society - Sustaining Member, Lifetime Membership

Thomas Caldwell

Ronald Eustace

James Hallam

John Mark Kirk

Ronald Lee McCutchen

Samuel Smith

Mike Stepto

John Vaughn

Ken Wimberly

Jason Winkleman

1844 Society – 24 Months

Nicholas Araiz

Thomas Bass

Elizabeth Bessels

Gary Blankenship

Whit Bolton

Richard Brieske

James Brody

James Case

Thomas Challender

Scott Dobbins

Gary Drikow

Eric Flesch

David Flores

Boyd Fowler

Laura Gramlich

Richard  Hedgecock

Hunter Jenkins

Dawn Gray Johancsik

Scott Johnston

Stuart  Juarez

William Keish

Samona Kosfeld

Nickie Lee

Michael Mehlhaff

Betty Myers

Herbert Myers

Larry Neumann

Steve  Novotny

Dean Olson

Jeffrey  Orman

Chris Patton

Maxine Peters

Michael Peterson

Timothy Pierce

Michael  Pittman

Joyce del  Rosario

Edward Searing

Frank Southway

Jose  Toro

Frank Treat

Dan  Weigel

Edward Wise

1844 Society “Old Boy Wall”

Top Honors ($25,000+)

Dean’s List ($10,000-$24,999)

Legacy Group ($5000-$9999)

John Mark Kirk

Pride of Kemper ($2000-$4999)

Karl Doup

James Hallam

Michael Stepto

Sheila and Robert Wolf

Kemper Spirit ($1000-$1999)

L.D. Burn

Doug Burns

Don B. Smith
Nov 5, 1934-April 4, 2021
KMA Class 1951
Donation Given By: Jim Obenshain

History Makers ($500-$999)

James Brody

John Tandy

Legacy Star ($250-$499)

Larry Olson

Edward Searing

Charles Simms

Richard Turner

Two Star Circle ($100-$249)

Mark Auerbach

In Memory of
Jack D. Bronson PhD
Teacher & Coach 1959-1961

Mike Chambers

Deck Couch

Mary Ann Green

Steve Kobely

Leann Plagens

Alumni Pride (Custom Amount)

Museum Naming Gifts

The 1844 Legacy

For sponsorship opportunities within the museum such as archives and presentation areas, please reach out to:

John Tandy
323 Main Street, Boonville, MO 65233
Cell: 314.878.5026