The 1844 Society is comprised of Kemper Military School & College active Alumni who support the association through its membership dues. In article III, of the association Bi-Laws found on the website outlines this membership as follows:
If the Board of Directors so chooses: a membership of former alumni can be established. This membership of the Association will be classified as active members and associate members. Active members of the Association shall be men and women who have attended Kemper Military School & College or Kemper’s Girl Academy and who are current in their membership dues. Associate members shall be parents, relatives, and friends of students who attended Kemper. Associate members may not hold any office in the Association or vote at any meeting of the membership. Further, membership privileges are limited to rules and regulations that the Board of Directors established for governance purposes.
This active membership will be called the 1844 Society and under,
SECTION 3. Election & Term: The directors of the Corporation shall be elected by the current Board of Directors and its officers. Directors are elected for a term of two (2) years. Nomination for elections to the Board of Directors shall be made by a nominating committee. The nominating committee shall be made up of three (3) members of the Board of Directors and one (1) active member (who is current with membership dues) from the membership. The nominating committee shall turn in its slate of directors and officers four (4) weeks prior to the annual meeting. In the event there is not an active membership established then the nominating committee of current Board of Directors will meet two (2) weeks prior to “Corps Reunion” and present its recommended slate to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Your association is proud to announce the 1844 Society and will look for the support of the alumni to stand up the Museum and make the legacy of Kemper Military School a reality. It is the intent of the KMS Alumni Association to work alongside the 1844 Society and help develop out the framework for which it will serve. The core tenant of the 1844 Society is that the greater alumni has a real time voice and a seat on the Kemper Military School and College Alumni Association nominating committee. To that end, all active 1844 Society members who are current in their dues (Any 1844 Society donor levels) will enable the KMS Museum to remain open and handle its minimum obligations of keeping the archives of the school available for all to enjoy and learn about the rich legacy that all former students have built over the last 175 years. In addition, for an active member of the 1844 Society their “Corps Reunion” or “Old Boy” weekend meal dues are included. An alumnus will only be responsible for their hotel and travel expenses.
*Reminder: If you join the 1844 Society your weekend fees are waived!
name plate recognition at museum
name plate recognition at museum
name plate recognition at museum
name plate recognition at museum
name plate recognition at museum
plaque recognition at museum
plaque recognition at museum
plaque recognition at museum
The 1844 Legacy - is the planned giving society of the Museum. Members of this society have thoughtfully included the Museum in their estate plans—through a bequest, a living trust, a life income plan, or a life insurance policy.
Please visit our virtual donor wall to see our current 1844 Society members.